Innovative Colour Productions

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Trusting in the Turbulence

Yesterday I was on a plane coming back home. We spent 2 hours straight with non-stop turbulence. My first instinct when we felt the first turbulence was to open the window and check outside to see if we were flying through a cloud or storm. To my surprise, the sky was pure blue with no clouds in sight. The crazy thing is, we felt that the plane was going to go down at any moment because of the intense turbulence, for the whole 2 hours. For the ones that know me, you know that I don’t like turbulence at all! In that moment, I started to panic and I started to pray out loud. I didn’t care at all who was sitting next to me. The moment I started to pray, I hear God’s voice clearly telling me, “there’s more coming and it will get worse but don’t worry, you are not going to die and you will get home safe.” Well, it did get worse by the minute. The plane was moving up, down, left, and right. At the end, we landed safely just like He told me and I didn’t die. After reflecting on it and thinking, “what the heck was that!”, The Holy Spirit spoke to me again and told me, “In life you will suffer turbulence that will not make any sense because of how things look in the outside or in your surroundings. But put your trust completely in ME in those moments of “turbulence” because I know the end and I will forever take care of you.” So I encourage you to believe what God says and trust him even when the circumstances are crazy or you don’t see it.

“But God did listen! He paid attention to my prayer. Praise God, who did not ignore my prayer or withdraw his unfailing love from me.” ‭‭Psalms‬ ‭66:19-20‬ ‭NLT‬‬

By Karla Gómez