Innovative Colour Productions

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While I Wait

One of the questions that people ask me the most is, what to do or what I’ve done during my waiting time. Most would think it’s a “bad” thing to be single, but today I want to inspire you with a new perspective on singleness. I will share about what to do while you wait for your other half, prince, king, right person, or whatever you want to call it. 

To start, here’s a little bit of background about myself.  I am 29 years old and yes I’m currently single... “Can you believe that?” That was my usual response every time someone would ask me if I was dating anyone. One day the saying, “Can you believe that?” stopped being my response once I understood that being single it’s not a “bad” thing, if you are in that season in life. If you put into practice some of the points that I’ve shared below, it might give you a new perspective and peace while you’re in the season of waiting. 

Now, let’s start with the points: 

  1. While you wait for your other half to come into your life, Pray! The word of God says in Philippians‬ ‭4:6‬ ‭“Don’t worry about anything; instead, pray about everything. Tell God what you need, and thank him for all he has done.” ‬

    Believe and have the faith that the person you are asking God for will come in His time! Don’t worry, He hears your prayers and He has a plan.

  2. Get to know God more. Get closer to God. Allow him to show you the things you need to change and grow in. Trust me, if you really do this, God will surprise you and it will be an amazing time 

  3. Work on becoming the right person! Work on yourself! Work now on those imperfections that need to be fixed before your prince comes to your life.

  4. Enjoy your single season. Travel, hang out with your friends, enjoy the moments and memories that you’ve had. Enjoy the time you’re in right now. 

Now, I can’t wait to spend the rest of my life with my future husband. But one thing I can tell you is that in this phase of singleness, it is not as bad as you may think and you can grow at lot during this period if you put into practice some of the points above. Cheer up! Enjoy your season, dream, and believe that in due time your other half will come to your life. 

With love, 

Karla Gomez